We the people of LECO

in order to empower your results, come together as one in Philadelphia this March, where generations before us created innovations around them.

As cutting-edge technology advances and artificial intelligence passes entrance and accreditation exams, one question on everyone's mind is: Will technology replace humans?

At LECO, we know the answer is no. Technology makes it easier to stretch further and reach greater heights than ever before, but it's we the people who strive for that stretch in the first place. We the people have power when we gather together and unite for a greater purpose.

Since our founding, we the people of LECO have been what makes LECO excellent. Our technology facilitates work, handling routine tasks and opening laboratories to new discoveries, but it is our people, the experts and specialists, factory workers and service people, who are the true technology of our company.

We know that breakthroughs and "a-ha!" moments happen when humans connect, when people come together and share their unique experiences.

This is why we, the people of LECO, proudly continue to support Pittcon. We know the value of the human connection.

Join our experts in Booth #2254 at Pittcon 2023 to meet with real people who can solve your real problems. Don't worry about wording your request in a way an algorithm can understand. At LECO, we the people can find solutions.

Featured Technologies

LECO Pegasus BT with Autoloader

Pegasus BT 4D with L-PAL3 Series 2 Derivatizer

Fully automated, just-in-time derivatization of metabolites paired with our GCxGC-TOFMS. See the complete picture with our turnkey GC metabolomics package.

Explore Pegasus BT

LECO FP828 with S832 Add-on

828 with S832 Nitrogen, Protein, Carbon, Hydrogen, and Sulfur Elemental Analysis by Combustion

Rapid cycle times and extended reagent lifetimes, delivering unsurpassed throughput; ideal for the analysis of a variety of organic matrices from food/feeds and soils to fuels.

Explore 828 Series


TGA801Thermogravimetric Analyzer

Accurate high-precision thermogravimetric constituent analysis–moisture, ash, volatile content, and loss-on-ignition–for a variety of inorganic and organic samples.

Explore TGA801

LECO CM812 - Available soon!

CM812 Carbon and Moisture by Combustion

Advanced furnance control with the choice of inert or oxidizing furnace atmospheres supports rapid, accurate, and simultaneous carbon and water content determination in a variety of inorganic and organic samples.

Are you attending Pittcon?

Stop by Booth #2254 to talk about your laboratories' needs and how LECO can help you revolutionize your data.

Share with us your headaches and struggles, and we'll prepare the perfect solutions to help you find your "a-ha!" moment.