LECO Corporation

Refine your Petrochemical Insights with LECO​

Upgrading your GCxGC Toolbox for Fuels Analysis

Presented by: Christina Kelly, LECO Corporation
*Available on-demand after the live presentation

March 26, 2025 | 10:00 am EST

This webinar will share an overview of the hardware and software tools the Separation Science division at LECO offers for the analysis of petroleum products, including aviation fuel, diesel, pyrolysis oil, and crude oil.

New improvements to the built-in Classifications feature in ChromaTOF that can be applied to detailed hydrocarbon and group-type analysis will be highlighted, showing a simplified way to adapt templates for routine analysis.


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The LECO Difference​

Trusted expertise, groundbreaking technology, and a commitment to your success.


Sensitivity in Spades

Trace-level detection with helium or hydrogen carrier gases - no analytes escape detection.


Maximum uptime

StayClean source eliminates routine cleaning, maintaining productivity with challenging petroleum matrices.


Modulation Mastery

LECO offers modulators for petroleum workflows: thermal for sensitivity (QuadJet) or flow for versatility (Paradigm).


Exceptional Support, Every Step of the Way

From installation to upkeep, LECO's unmatched service ensures your lab’s success without interruptions.