LECO's Petrochemical Solutions
The petroleum refining process relies on various analytical instruments and methods to ensure smooth operations and high product quality. Gas chromatography - time-of-flight mass spectrometry (GC-TOFMS) has become the leading technology for petrochemical analysis due to its fast acquisition, wide mass range, and accurate mass spectra.
At LECO, we offer everything from simple, state-of-the-art GC detectors, all the way to high-resolution time-of-flight mass spectrometers. We provide the complete A-Z solution for complex characterization as well as simpler needs. Keep scrolling to learn more about LECO’s petrochemical analysis solutions.
Application Notes on Petrochemical Analyses
Read our application notes to discover how LECO instruments can provide incredibly useful insights to the petrochemical industry.

Analyses of Aviation Fuels
Group type analyses of aviation fuel products using flow modulated GCxGC-FID
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Dual Detection of Plastics-Derived Pyrolysis Oil
Classification of plastics-derived pyrolysis oil provided by LECO's Pegasus BT4D with Paradigm Shift flow modulator and splitter system.
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ASTM D8396 Requirements
How to use a simple workflow with LECO's Paradigm system to fulfill the ASTM requirements of the D8396 test method.
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FID Diesel Compound Classification
Analysis of a Diesel sample using GCxGC to classify the compounds into structure based chemical classes.
Learn MoreThe LECO Difference
Trusted expertise, groundbreaking technology, and a commitment to your success.

Sensitivity in Spades
Trace-level detection with helium or hydrogen carrier gases - no analytes escape detection.

Maximum uptime
StayClean source eliminates routine cleaning, maintaining productivity with challenging petroleum matrices.

Modulation Mastery
Modulators for any petroleum workflow: thermal for sensitivity, flow for versatility.

Exceptional Support, Every Step of the Way
We dedicate ourselves to your success through unmatched support, training, and fast service..
Fuel Your Knowledge
Join our petrochemical webinar series to discover cutting-edge tools and methods for optimizing your workflow.
February 26 - Carlie Anderson and Willie Steinecker (University of Dayton Res Inst) - Detailed Hydrocarbon Type Analysis of Aviation Fuels: Navigating the Challenges of Evolving Feed Stocks
March 26 - Christina Kelly (LECO Corporation) - Upgrading Your GCxGC Toolbox for Fuel Analysis
Hilkka Kenttamaa (Purdue) - Analyzing Aviation Fuels with Two-Dimensional Gas Chromatography Coupled with EI/CI

Our Featured Instruments