Non-Targeted Screening in Sustainable Fuels: Exploring Method Development and Fuel Quality Assessment Using GCxGC-MS and Hyphenated Techniques

26 September, 2024 @ 1400 CEST

LECO will regularly invite key leaders of the NTS space from all industries to present and discuss their groundbreaking work. This series promises not only to delve deeper into the intricacies of non-targeted screening but also to foster collaboration and knowledge exchange among experts and enthusiasts alike. Secure your spot now and embark on a journey of discovery in chemical analysis, with each instalments of our monthly webinar series delivering fresh perspectives and invaluable insights.


Prof. John Langley, University of Southampton, UK


Prof. John Langley, Head of Characterisation and Analytics, Chemistry, from University of Southampton, a leading expert in sustainable fuels, will present on the latest advancements in renewable and sustainable fuel analysis. As the demand for eco-friendly alternatives like Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) and Hydrotreated Vegetable Oils (HVOs) grows, so do the analytical challenges associated with their stability, complexity, and integration into traditional fuel matrices, such as diesel.

In this session, Prof. Langley will explore how these next-generation fuels introduce new hurdles for quality measurement, requiring innovative hyphenated techniques, including GC-MS and comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography (GCxGC-MS). Attendees will gain insights into the crucial role of these methods in evaluating fuel quality, especially as renewable fuels are blended with conventional fuels.

He will further discuss how GCxGC-MS is pivotal for comparing and analyzing different HVOs, providing clarity on how these tools enable the screening of differences and similarities across various renewable fuel sources. This webinar will offer invaluable perspectives for anyone involved in fuel analytics, energy sustainability, or related industries.