Environmental Non-Targeted Screening: What is in our Air? High-Resolution and Comprehensive Mass Spectrometry Analysis of Ambient Particulate Matter

28 November 2024 @ 1400 CET

LECO will regularly invite key leaders of the NTS space from all industries to present and discuss their groundbreaking work. This series promises not only to delve deeper into the intricacies of non-targeted screening but also to foster collaboration and knowledge exchange among experts and enthusiasts alike. Secure your spot now and embark on a journey of discovery in chemical analysis, with each instalments of our monthly webinar series delivering fresh perspectives and invaluable insights.


Dr.Joseph Levermore, Imperial College, London

Joining us from Imperial College London, Dr. Joseph Levermore will present his research on 'What is in Our Air? High-Resolution and Comprehensive Mass Spectrometry Analysis of Ambient Particulate Matter in Occupational Environments Across the United Kingdom.' Dr. Levermore will explore the composition of ambient particulate matter and its implications for occupational health, utilizing advanced mass spectrometry techniques to uncover the sources and characteristics of airborne particles in various work environments. He will highlight the critical importance of understanding air quality for worker safety and public health, providing valuable insights into the air we breathe.

Don't miss this opportunity to gain valuable knowledge from an expert in environmental analysis.